In my first blog entry I discussed the much-needed increase in budget of space programs, and in this entry I find that it is being practically wasted. In Zaid Jilani’s “‘Fiscal Conservative’ Richard Shelby Forces NASA to Spend $1.4 Million A Day On Program It Doesn’t Want” The author pretty much bashes on republican Senator Richard Shelby and how hypocritical he is. From the get-go you can tell it is a left-wing article.
He quotes Shelby, “Washington must put its fiscal house in order. American taxpayers are rightly infuriated by the federal government’s disregard for the same economic principles that govern every household and business budget.” He then shows that Shelby later put in his own revision into the 2010 budget, the “Shelby provision.” Such provision, however, is going to force NASA to waste $1.4 million a day on its now-defunct Constellation moon program. Overall costing the company nearly $250 million on projects they do not want anymore since October 1st. Jilani feels that it is a crucial time to be careful with the budget, and he feels the “Shelby provision” is a horrible idea and Shelby himself is a hypocrite with making the provision in the first place.
His presentation is viscous, the author seems to be really disgusted with Sen. Richard Shelby, stating that “Yet when it comes to pork barrel spending for his home state, he is willing to go extraordinary lengths to waste taxpayers’ money.” His audience is obviously left-wing for it is a left-wing blog and its basically a diss to the republican Senator.
Overall, I agree with Jilani. I believe that NASA shouldn’t be forced to spend money on what they do not want. I believe that the scientists over at NASA should have the final say on what they need the budget to focus on. I also believe that if you are going to criticize our nation’s fiscal spending, you are also going to have to be careful where your putting our taxpayers’ money as well, the “Shelby provision” is simply ridiculous.